Kiriman Dari Sahabat Terang Bagi Kota : Ferry Tan

Met malem TBKER
Shalom! Good morning and good night too for some who live in Indonesia.
Happy Terrific Thursday everyone!
Today is Thursday which is mean one more day to Friday in the last week of October already. And after today is just only 14 more work days to Thanksgiving break. Wow the time really gone so fast, by the way do we know what is thanksgiving day really mean for us? It's mean everything happen in our life bad and good we supposed to be thankful isn't? Ooh come on don't think always about the bad things happen into our lives think also the good things which is happen into our lives. Remember we are still human which is lives in the world which condemn into sin, so the good things and the bad things are always been the nature of the world its mean always happen in our life. We can't ignore those thing which happen and comes in our life. Bad and Good are two sides in the same coin, they are always be a part of our life. However, this is a good news.
Psalm 106:1 says, "Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!" And continues with Psalm 149:4-5 which says, "For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for Joy."
God is always good to us, always faithful to us, always working so diligently in our lives. He is always doing something for us and acting in our best interest, so we need to respond by letting Him know we appreciate His goodness.
For example, “Jesus, thank You for a good night’s sleep,” or “God, I thank You that my visit to the dentist didn’t hurt as much as I thought it might,” or “Father, thank You for helping me make good decisions today,” or “Jesus, thank You for keeping me encouraged and being my prince of peace.”
We can thank God silently in our hearts, and we can also voice our thankfulness aloud because that helps us stay conscious and aware of God’s love, which He demonstrates through His goodness to us.
Let us pray for Thanks to God:  I thank You, Father, that You are always faithful to me. Even when I can’t see it, You are working on my behalf because You love me and You have an amazing plan for my life beyond what I feel and my failures. Thank You for all the ways You demonstrate Your unconditional love for me on a daily basis.. In Jesus Name Amen
Have a good day everyone and don't forget to be a blessing for others as our respond and appreciation to Him. The most important thing is the people surround you, your family, your co-worker, your member of church, friends, etc. God bless all of you.                      


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