
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober 19, 2016

Perenungan Pribadi Slamet Priyanto

Perenungan Pribadi:                 "Ora et labora"      Ora et labora adalah terjemahan dari bahasa latin yang artinya 'berdoa dan bekerja', yang mengacu pada praktik monastik  peraturan Santo Benediktus di abad pertengahan, yang memandang doa dan kerja sebagai perpaduan yang tak terpisahkan sebagai kebutuhan untuk menyeimbangkan antara doa dan kerja (wikipedia, 20-10-2016 pukul 03.37).      Kemarin malam, dalam sebuah PA di blok C teman kami, pak WD mengungkapkan betapa penting dan berkuasanya (powerfull) ora et labora; kalau hanya berdoa tanpa bekerja pasti tak kan ada berkat yang langsung jatuh dari langit. Kalau hanya bekerja tanpa berdoa berkat yg kita terima, seberapapun banyaknya, tak pernah bisa kita nikmati dengan penuh rasa syukur.      Orang yang tidak bisa bersyukur itu terlihat saat menerima 'bayaran', yang dilihat bukan berapa rupiah yang dia terima tapi berapa rupiah yang orang lain terima, disertai rasa iri hati.      Peserta PA mal

Kiriman Dari Sahabt Terang Bagi Kota : Ferry Tan

Shalom! Good morning and good night too for some who lives in Indonesia. Happy Wonderful Wednesday everyone! Wow its already in the middle of the third week of October 2016 already...unbelievable. The time gone really fast. However, do we still worry or afraid to use our short life with something worthy? Sometime we still thinking that we are still young or there are still plenty of time to do something good or we are really afraid of changing? My advice is DO IT NOW, don't prolong anymore,  don't wait until we don't have time no more. Don't play with our life. God really loves us, He proof it already by sending His only begotten son to die on the cross for us. And now we have to think how we pay Him back? We just need to believe in Him as Lord and Savior. If we believe in Him then we start seeking, praising and trusting Him fully. However, whether or not we want to admit it, we have all been afraid of the dark. But what makes darkness so scary? For one thing, it co