Kiriman Sahabat Terang Bagi Kota : Ferry Tan

Shalom! Good morning and good night too for some who live in Indonesia.
Happy Tremendous Tuesday everyone!
Yes today is Tuesday in the first week of October 2016 already. It seems like we just have a summer vacation and now thanksgiving break its on the way. We know that we already win the battle, because our savior is Risen...He is a live, and we have assurance that we are going to see Him again when He's coming back to the earth. Because He is going to heaven to prepare a home for everyone who believe in Him. However, we still live in this earth which we face the battle every day, every minute and every second. So what we have to do now? Do as believer. Encourage one another with PASSION and LOVE, because that is one reason He calls us to do according to His purpose.
Life is a series of ups and downs. A season of joy and peace can quickly be followed by a season of hardship and depression. We breeze through the ups, throwing caution to the wind, as we enjoy the sunshine of this season.
But when life brings storms of loneliness and despair, our happy highs are long forgotten, and we’re ready to jump ship. We search for something to cling to and carry us out of the trenches.
What if we had the ability to persevere already within us? If you’re a Christian the same power that raised Jesus from the dead will raise you out of your suffering and hardship. Paul refers to this power as “treasure in jars of clay” that only comes from God (2 Corinthians 4:7). It cannot be found in some magical solution here on earth. It’s through God’s strength, not our own, that we find the ability to stand when we’ve been knocked down.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 reminds us though we feel pressed, we are not crushed. Though we feel persecuted we are not abandoned. Consider the suffering Christ endured on the cross; He suffered the ultimate persecution, so He can walk us through these seasons. Our Savior understands more than anyone what we feel when the storms strike.
Though suffering is painful and overwhelming, God will supply us with the strength and encouragement we need to finish the course. When you feel the urge to give up, cling close to the Holy Spirit and do not lose heart.
Paul reminds us, “Our momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17). Your pain is a season for God to work inside of you. The bonus is that God promises an eternal reward in Heaven for your hardship.
Reflect on these:
• Do you feel kicked, knocked over, and down in despair? Why or why not?
• What is one way you can remind yourself the pain is temporary and there’s a reward for the struggles you are facing?
Have a great and blessing day.


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