Kiriman Sahabat Terang Bagi Kota Ferry Tan

Shalom! Good morning and good night too for some who live in Indonesia.
Happy Marvelous Monday everyone!
Hi, we meet again on Monday in the fifth week of September 2016. Wow the time gone so fast, and as usual Monday we have to start our regular activity for another week again. However, with a new Oxygen, good health and strength which we receive as a blessing from God this morning we believe we can do anything right? Always have positive mindset. Let's start our daily life with Pray and thanks for everything He has been given to us and everything which not been given yet before we do everything. Eat breakfast and go to school or work or else. We know for sure everyday we will face a problem in our life, but we believe also there is always a HOPE in Christ. We just need to more closer to God day by day, seeking Him every time so we can have strong faith in Him. We need to start our life with what is priority in our life, which first come first.
Too often we spend all of our time seeking God for answers to our problems or materialistic things when what we should be doing is just seeking God for eternal thing. More worst is too often we spend all our time seeking our need and forget to say thanks. We often saying Rejoice in Him always (see Philippians 4:4), but we never rejoice His creation such as: Oxygen, Sun, water, etc. We just rejoice Him when we got blessing such as good job, profit in business etc. And we forget that without a good health we can't have all that thing because we can't do that if we are sick and the most of thing we can even live without oxygen, sun, or water. However, we often forget about that because we though oh yeah everybody get oxygen, sun and water. The answer is yes that is common grace, but as believer we are different. How we can say we love God which we can't see, but we don't love His creation which is others people. Same thing we can say we have a good relationship with God which we can't see or feel it, but we don't even appreciate His creation, blessing and love such a simple thing like Oxygen which we can feel and consume it...shame on us and more shame if we call our self a Christian and don't even rejoice and say thank for the important thing such oxygen. We can seeking God, knowing Him well, encounter God, make a good and closer relationship with God, love others, and have Faith because we are breath consuming the Oxygen so give thank every time you breath...Rejoice in Him every time you breath.
1 Corinthians 13:1 'I can speak in the tongues of men and even of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by God’s love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
Most of the things we devote our time and energy to are things that are currently passing away, things that will not last. We strive to make money, build businesses, achieve great accomplishments, be popular, own buildings, cars, and jewelry. We want to expand our minds and see the world, yet all of these things are temporal. They will all come to an end.
Only love never comes to an end. An act of love goes on and endures forever. Thankfully, God allows us to have a lasting impact when He asks us to love others. 'To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever.” In order to “love abundantly” and “love forever,” I encourage you to first receive God’s love for you such as oxygen and good heath...then you can walk in love toward everyone else.
Let us pray and thanks, Heavenly Father, I am grateful that I can breath and live my life in such a way as to have a lasting impact. Thank You for the power of love. Help me exercise that power and make an eternal impact by showing love to those around me today. Help me to always know what is truly important. Have a great Monday and blessing day and also be a blessing to others.                        


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